Monday, June 10, 2013

Dragons Dogma comic.

A personal comic project based on the game series 'Dragon's Dogma.' Here are some in progress pages, with just the inking. color and effects will come soon.  

Import Riders. Logo work.

                 Import Riders is an in progress project that requested three logos, still to come for what each logo will be used for. This is an ongoing project that will be updated in due time. Keep an eye out for more Import Riders work!

Megaman: Rewired. Logo work.


                   Megaman Rewired is a progressing radio show, with its first episode already out and turning heads. This client required two logos. The first logo is the main logo, one that will be displayed first before the show starts. The second is the intermission logo displayed in between shows. This is an on going project that will be updated in due time. keep an eye out for more Megaman Rewired work!